Gryphon Ravenwing's Nest

elcome to my nest...

I have feathered my nest with a myriad of precious gems of knowledge.

From Divination and the Gods of my family, to information on various Pagan Symbols, I have it here.

I have always been interested in my family's history, especially as my interests in things Pagan grew. Once I chose to follow the Path of Pictish Magick, though, my desire to learn more bloomed.

I have been practising my path for over eight years now, and find a great deal of confusion amongst other Pagans (especially Wiccans, no offense meant) concerning just what my path entails.

Pictish Magick is simply that. My magickal workings are kept separate from the Gods for a simple reason: Don't abuse the Gods' blessings. I utilize the spirits of nature, as my path is one that encompasses animism. I use my will to manipulate the energies of the earth, sky, water, and even living spirit.

But I worship the Gods and Goddesses separately. They are higher beings (although that term is so overused) and deserve to be respected as such. The Gods do not take kindly to mortals calling upon them for the smallest workings, although inviting them to observe is another matter. They have their place in the Wheel of Life and we have ours. They are to be revered, and offerings given to them. But no-one, especially the Gods, enjoy being at the beck and call of another, especially for matters of little importance on the greater scale.

This is not to say that I do not call upon them from time to time for matters of great import. Just that I respect them and their place, which is not always in my Circles, holding my hand as I go down my Path. Rather, it is watching from afar, subtly guiding if need be, but at their discretion rather than ours.

Remember, all prayers are answered, just not always with a "Yes," or the way you wish them to be.

So, with that in mind, I welcome you to my Nest. I hope that you find what you are looking for here.

My Gods and Goddesses

Divination & Past Lives

My Favorite Band

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