Love, Friendship, & Attraction Spells

To Bring Love Into Your Life
1 red candle
1 small fire proof bowl
1 tsp. rose petals (for love)
1 tsp. marigold petals (for strength)
1 tsp. vervain (to make it go)
Your name written on a heart shaped piece of paper a few drops of alcohol
1 drop of your own blood (optional)
Procedure: In the small bowl, mix the rose petals, marigold petals, and vervain. Beside the bowl, place the dressed red candle, to bring love to yourself. Hold the piece of paper, with your name on it...imagine it is your heart....happy, safe, balanced, and filled with passion for life. You may put a drop of your own blood onto the piece of paper (but it is not required). Place the paper in the bowl with the herbs. Add a few drops of alcohol and light aflame

Pink Bubble Spell
For Needs or Desires
(You should decide exactly what it is you need or desire before performing this spell
Start by removing yourself from all distractions. Sit or lie down, or choose whatever position feels comfortable to you. Take 16 deep breaths filling your chest and abdomen. Inhale to the count of 4 through your nose and exhale to the count of 4 through your mouth. On the 17th breath, when you exhale, blow out any extra air in your lungs to release negativity. Return to normal relaxed breathing. Focus on your desire, need, or want. Example: To attract your true soulmate or lover, see the essence of the person. Do not give the person a face or a name but see the spirit and personality of the person. What does he do? He is an artist, then see him painting. Does he have a wonderful sense of humor, then see him laughing at something you said. What are you two doing together? Sitting quietly having coffee? Visualize it. How about walking hand in hand on the beach? Visualize it. Do you see where I am going with this? You need to see everything about the essence of this person that YOU want in a soulmate. If you need a new car, then the same rules apply. The only difference with an object is that you should see the style, make, model, and everything about the car. See yourself driving the car down a beautiful stretch of highway. Surround this person or object you have visualized in a pink bubble. See him/it wrapped securely and sitting or placed comfortably in the bubble. Now release the bubble to go out into the universe to manifest your desire. Now go on about your business and forget about it. Do not dwell on this as this makes it take longer to manifest. Your true soulmate or the object of your desire will come.

Friendship Candle Magick
Pink Candle
Good Luck/Friendship Oil
Pink silk Ribbon
White Silk Ribbon
Cast the Circle. Arrange altar. Invoke Goddess and God. You will want to anoint the pink candle with Good Luck oil all the while thinking of the friends that you want to make. Imagine yourself laughing with them, going out with them. Really see yourself with them.
After your candle has been anointed, you may light it. At this point you may call out the things that are important to you in a friend: honesty, trust, open mindedness (important for every Wiccan!), humor, whatever. As you light the candle, see the flame as being the energy that burns betwen any two close friends.
When this is completed, take your two pieces of silk ribbon and weave them together. Simply winding them around each other will do. While you do this, think of bringing that friend closer to you. This binding process is reminiscent of pagan handfasting rituals. You are binding that friend to you, making them loyal to you, a way any good friend should be. You DO NOT want to bind a specific person to you, as that kind of magick is harmful since is harms the other person's free will. Only bind the idea of the perfect friend to you.
Once you have done this, tie the ribbon to the base of your candle as best as you can. The candle's light is a beacon to bring friendship to you and another person.
When this is done, you may wish to sit and meditate on the spell that you have just cast, sending your energies out to bring that perfect friend to you. When you feel that your spell has been completed, then it has. Let your candle burn all the way out and release your cirlce, thanking the Goddess and the God.

Spell for Closing the Distance in a Relationship
One green taper candle (not votive)
One straight pin
Incense for love
Bowl of salt water
Cast your circle then bless the salt water and incense. Take the candle and wash with salt water, dry it with something personal like his/her favorite T-shirt then run the candle through the incense smoke.
Hold the candle cupped in both hands and concentrate on your lover and him/her closing the distance in your relationship. Fill the candle with your love and energy. Now stick the straight pin into the side of the candle about an inch down from the wick. As you stick the pin in, concentrate on the energy going out from the candle to its target (your lover) and say this:
Candle burning, melting down
Turn the distance upside down
Cast out the negative as positive goes in
By the time you've burned down to this pin.
Now light the candle and put it in a safe spot to burn down to the pin. You may extinguish it once it has burned down. Now keep your attitude VERY positive and watch him/her come around.
NOTE: Be sure that you really want to close the distance before you do this spell.

Love Charm Bag
You will need:
One piece of red velvet
One red ribbon
Red cotton and a needle
One small heart cut from cloth
Seven pins
A clove
Dried orange rind
Dried rose petals
A small rose quartz
Create this powerful little charm on a Friday, the day devoted to Aphrodite. Ask for her blessings for this charm. After dedicating its working to her, and for the good of all, take your cloth heart and imagine it is the heart of your/her soulmate. Then take each pin and pierce the heart, invoking Aphrodite and the good of all each time. When you have finished this, place the heart and pins at the centre of the velvet cloth. Then cover the heart with the remainder of the ingredients, leaving the rose quartz until last. When you have completed the task, gather up all the ends of the fabric and twist then sew it into a little pouch. Finally, secure the opening with the red thread and needle, then tie the pouch firmly with the red ribbon. Hang the magical pouch over your/her bed, or under the bed if discretion is important. Do not place this pouch under your pillow as you may get pricked by the pins. When you/she smells the delicious aromas wafting from the pouch, remember that Aphrodite is helping you to conquer your longing and bring you and your perfect partner together. Remember not to think of a particular person while making this as that will most likely not be the perfect match for you/her.

Love Cake Spell
You Will Need:
Ingredients for a cake
A pinch of edible dried rose petals
1 teaspoon cinnamon
Spring water charged by the Full Moon
As you put the ingredients into the cake mix, say:
"A drop of moon blood, A pinch of rose, Add cinnamon to please his/her nose."
As you take the cake out of the oven after it has baked, repeat the following three times:With each bite, we two entwine, This spicy cake will make him/her mine.Then serve the man/woman you have baked this for a nice, big slice!Remember: This spell will NOT make someone fall in love with you, but it will encourage them to show their *already present* love for you. It just adds a little "Spice" to your lovelife.

Love Bottle
Medium Clear Glass Bottle with a cork one in the shape of a heart would be appropriate
Dried Rosepetals
Dried Lavender
Cleanse the bottle in any way you feel is appropriate, while cleansing, have loving thoughts in your heart and mind. Take 3 fistfuls of dried rosepetals and with each fistful, crush the petals between your hands, feeling your love going into and empowering the petals and carefully let them funnel into the bottle. Do the same with 3 pinches of lavender. Next, fill the bottle with rosewater and imagine the bottle being filled with love and all the wonderful things that come with it. Cork the bottle and place it beside your bed on your nightstand or table, or keep the bottle in any room that you want to have filled with loving feelings.

Love Healing Potion
A tea pot
A tea ball
A glass bottle
Jasmine flowers
Rose petals
Lovage or orris root
Jasmine oil
A medium-sized piece of rose quartz
Some tiny rose quartz chips
Consecrated water (water mixed with a bit of salt and blessed)
In the mesh tea ball, combine some jasmine flowers, rose petals, lovage root and the medium piece of rose quartz. Boil this for about 13 minutes in the tea pot. Place the liquid (minus the large rose quartz) in the glass along with seven, small rose quartz chips, three drops of consecrated water, and three drops of jasmine oil. You can leave this in the larger bottle, or separate into smaller bottles. It is best to prepare this potion when you are alone so that you can have the kitchen all to yourself and work by the light of only pink, white and blue colored candles. This potion is good for working through rough spots in a loving relationship, small arguments and temporary sadness (also good for mending a broken heart); these can all be healed. Anoint yourself with this when feeling blue. I don't suggest drinking this, but you can place a drop on your lips. Place the medium rose quarts (that you boiled) with the herbs in a wooden box or bag. Anoint the stone with the potion regularly and it will absorb heart-healing vibes. Hold it to uplift your spirits.

Love Sachet

Items needed: leather or pink silk pouch pink candle 4 white candles cauldron catnip or jasmine paper + pen

Cast the circle, then consecrate it with salt+water. Call the Goddess and God (optional), and the four elements. Place the 4 candles around the circle, make sure they're in the right spots for each of the directions north, south, etc...) Place the pink candle in front of you, behind the cauldron. Light the white candles calling out their elements, then light the pink candle. Write down on a piece of paper what qualities you want ( cute, funny, etc...) Burn the catnip/jasmine then paper. Say 3 times:

" I burn this candle to bring me a lover" " I burn this paper to bring me a lover" " I burn this catnip/jasmine to bring me a lover" " Power this sachet with love"

When everything is burnt down to ashes, put them in the sachet/pouch. Wear around your neck all the time, and kiss pouch 3 times each day.

Love Sachet
Items needed:
leather or pink silk pouch
pink candle
4 white candles
catnip or jasmine
paper + pen
Cast the circle, then consecrate it with salt+water. Call the Goddess and God (optional), and the four elements. Place the 4 candles around the circle, make sure they're in the right spots for each of the directions north, south, etc...) Place the pink candle in front of you, behind the cauldron. Light the white candles calling out their elements, then light the pink candle. Write down on a piece of paper what qualities you want ( cute, funny, etc...) Burn the catnip/jasmine then paper. Say 3 times:
" I burn this candle to bring me a lover"
" I burn this paper to bring me a lover"
" I burn this catnip/jasmine to bring me a lover"
" Power this sachet with love"
When everything is burnt down to ashes, put them in the sachet/pouch. Wear around your neck all the time, and kiss pouch 3 times each day.

To arouse sexual desires, brew coffee with a few cardamon seeds.

Carnations To Attract Love
To be performed on New Moon. For this spell you will need 9 red carnations. Place your red carnations in a clear glass vase of water. Add 4 drops of red food coloring to the water. Cup your hands around the flowers and inhale deeply the scent of the carnations. Say:
"Flowers red I see you Touch you Smell you Bring me love as tangible as you."

Love Sugar
By the light of a pink candle, fill a glass jar with fine white sugar and add one vanilla bean and either a cinnamon stick or a bit of lemon peel. As you fill the jar, gaze into it and empower it with feelings of love, friendship and acceptance. Use the sugar while baking and decorating cakes and cookies which you will share with friends and loved ones; as you bake, fill the cakes with love and joy.

To Find Love
love incense (musk or rose)
pink candle
altar decorated with pink and white cloth
Go outside and look up at the Moon, holding the pink candle in your power (writing) hand. If it's not possible, at least stand in a window where you can see the Moon. Hold the candle up toward the Moon and tell the Goddess what traits you would like in a lover and, most importantly, that you DO want a lover.
Back inside, light your love incenses and sit before the altar already decorated in white and pink cloth. Visualize your ideal lover. Then take the pink candle and lightly carve the words "true love" along one side of it with your athame. Set the pink candle in a holder (make sure it's a fireproof holder since you'll leave the candle to burn out completely) and light it. Chant:
"Moon of love and shining grace, I would see my lover face to face. Heart to heart, I long to be, With the special someone meant for me."

Lover Ritual
Preparation: a journal entry to get down all the qualities wanted/unwanted in a lover
Materials: a stone (pebble/rock) lavender oil for love and happiness lemon balm oil (I used essential oil) for friendship rosemary oil for lust tissue paper to rest the stone on and dry hands later journal entry
Procedure: Pour small amounts of each oil into a palm (probably the one you don't write with to make it easier to pour)...just however much of each you feel you need. Rub evenly onto both palms. Anoint the stone with the blended oil in your palms, focusing on the qualities of a lover that you want. Use the journal entry as a reference if needed. When finished, place the stone on the tissue (or somewhere else) to dry. Place in moonlight if possible. After it's dry, carry the stone with you or keep somewhere where it will not be disturbed.

Love Spell
This spell is simple and requires no searching for exotic ingredients. It is performed to draw people to you (friends) and enhance your sexual attraction (if you desire more than friends) In many ways, this is a confidence and self esteem spell. You can focus on a specific person during the rite in order to strengthen the bond between you or to draw that person to you. Remember the laws of return however, that which you send out will often return to you. Do a thorough physical cleaning of your bathroom, and cover any mirrors with material (white or pink towels or sheets are nice) Then draw a bath and to the water add a small handful (about 1/3 to 1/2 cup) sea salt or other available salt while saying: "Negativity is washed away I am renewed as of today! Many heads will turn my way, the ones I chose will wish to stay."

Light three white votive candles or place 3 floating candles in the bath tub, focus on your body, how sensual it is, how beautiful you are. Everyone is beautiful, this spell is just drawing out your best! Women have a strange image of what men desire, and men have an equally odd image of what women desire. This is probably our society's influences, like tv. Focus on what you like about yourself (there is something!). You may also begin to focus on that specific person if desired. Turn off the lights and turn on your favorite music if possible, something that makes you feel reckless and sexy, or calm and at peace with yourself, depending on your taste, mood, and the desired end result you want. For example, for sex, you may want a sexy rock album, for general attraction, you may want a happy mellow song. The feeling that the music evokes in you is important.
Enter the bath and relax, make sure every part of your body is immersed in the water at least once. If you don't have a bathtub, tie the salt up in a wash cloth while saying the above words, and use it in the shower. When you are finished (I spend about an hour and 1/2 in the bathroom and shave, shampoo, etc. beforehand) Repeat the original words above, and end it with: "I am blessed, I am loving, I am loved and love myself! I am love!"
I know it sounds kinda funny, but this one really works. Feel free to intuitively add what you like to this, sandalwood or rose soap, incense (for me always!), a glass of your favorite ritual beverage, bath oil... especially those made with herbal extracts or essential oils, our favorite perfume or cologne, a special bath towel purchased for this ritual only, etc. Your intuition will only serve to refine this working and enhance its effects!

Reversing a Love Spell
Get one red and one black candle, preferably figure candles (red female and black male) from a local occult store. Name the candles for the two of you. Tell the red one that you do not reciprocate her feelings. Wish her well and that she finds the right one for her. Visualize her finding the right person for her and being happy. Start burning the candles back to back, moving them a few inches apart. Let the candles burn for about 15 min. while you visualize the breakup of this "relationship". Visualize both of you being happy with others. Move the candles apart a few inches more each day, while you relight the candles and continue the meditation. At the end of a week, take the candle ends and bury them somewhere in earth, visualizing the break. Whenever possible don't socialize with her, don't talk on the phone, don't continue contact with her. Be polite but short.

To Cure a Broken Heart
First make a bag of herbs to carry with you...the herbs should help to alleviate some of the pain that you are feeling... Inside the bag of white or red of material soft and pure.
Put these herbs inside and make it where your pain is cured:
Basil, bay, cinnamon, fennel seeds mint, rose petals, rosemary, (for your needs) thyme, vervain and violet flowers, add a charm from your birth a sign from whatever signifies your worth.
On the night of the new moon put these things in the bag of lost sorrow tie with a white string, and annoint it with oil of garlic or yarrow and the following invocation say:
Witches' herbs and magickal flowers
Fill this bag with healing powers
For as long as I need to wear this charm
Allow me to be free of pain and harm
So mote it be!

You should carry the bag with you until you feel the pain and sorrow leave you...if the feelings start to creep up on you, touch the bag and allow the bag to carry the sorrow for you.
The second thing that you might try is the following:
Light saffron incense, and make a saffron tea... light a white candle, and a blue candle, and take a piece of rose quartz....
With these things meditate on your pain, and push the pain from you into the rose quartz... allow the quartz to take the pain from you, and then place the quartz in the window or sunlight in order for the pain to escape completely from you and your house.

To Get Rid of an Unwanted Lover
Take a small square of paper and write on it the name of the annoying would-be lover. Use black ink for this. Then light a white candle and burn the piece of paper in its flame while thinking of the person running away from you. Catch the ashes in something (burning the paper over an ashtray is a good idea) and carry them out to your back porch or backyard. There you must place the ashes on the upturned palm of your right hand and hold it up saying:
Winds of the North, South, East and West,
Carry these affections to where they'll be best.
Let his/her heart be open and free,
And let his/her mind be away from me.

Then blow on the ashes so that they scatter to the winds. It is best to do this spell on a Saturday, during the Waning Moon, and when the winds blow strong.

To Heal a Friendship
Shortly after an argument, buy a greeting card which closely expresses what you would like to say to your friend. Rub the greeting card with lavender leaves before you give it to them or mail it to ensure that it is well recieved.

To Attract a Love
Play a CD or Tape of some romantic music that means something to you. Make sure that the music does not include songs that you associate with another person. It is important to keep specific people out of your mind performing this spell. On a sheet of cardboard, light a candle of your favorite color to represent you. Then, light a red or pink candle to represent whoever your new love may be. Using a red magic marker or crayon, draw a heart around the red candle. Every day for at least a week, relight the candles in the evening, and as soon as you light the candles, move them slightly closer together, so that on the last day, the candles are as close together as possible.

To Bless a New Relationship
Bake a fresh loaf of bread. Hold it up to the moon and ask the lady to bless the bread as well as the relationship. Break off a piece of the bread for your partner, as well as one for yourself as well. As you share time together, share the bread as well. (Do not cut the bread with a knife or any other cutting tool. Just break off the pieces with your hands. Adding butter or jam might be a good idea to help sweeten things up a bit.)

Spell to Attract the Perfect Lover
For this spell, you will need the following items:
6 rose petals
1 teaspoon of lavender
1 teaspoon of cinnamon
a rose quartz
6-inch square of pink cloth
green ribbon (floss or yarn will do)
an inch of red ribbon
needle and thread
a penny
On a Friday during the waxing moon, place the petals, rose quartz, lavender, cinnamon, red ribbon, and penny in the center of the cloth square. Gather the edges of the fabric together and hold the pouch close to your heart.
Then say:
"Venus, Queen of love, divine
Bring the love to me that's mine.
Perfect, he (she) and perfect, me
Together we are meant to be.
Venus, Queen of love, so warm
Bring my love to me, without harm.
Let nothing keep us now apart,
Bring perfect love to fill my heart."
Still holding the pouch against your heart, fill it with loving energy. Secure the pouch with the green ribbon to seal the spell. Carry it on your person and sleep with it under your pillow. When the lover comes to you, bury the pouch under a tree.

Spell To Let A Lover Go
Things you will need:
a picture of you and your ex-lover
your ritual knife
Cast your circle as usual; place the picture of you and your ex-lover on your alter. (I suggest placing a piece of card board under the picture before attempting this)
Without thoughts of recrimination or revenge take your ritual knife and cut your ex-lover out of the picture.
Then place the picture of him in the fire and think of a joyful, hopeful, life without this person. Then bury the ashes in an appropriate spot. Be careful with this one, there may be some unseen dangers involved, both personally and to the future)

Healing SpellsEmail Me!Luck & Fortune Spells