Magickal Number: 111
Color: Gold, red, yellow, orange
Metal: Gold
Plants: Marigold, sunflower, hops, cowslip
Day of the Week: Sunday
Stones: Amber, topaz, ruby, diamond
Zodiac Signs: Leo
Angel: Michael
Influences: Nobility, leadership, career, the law, banking, fatherhood, the performing arts, self confidence, health, virility, friendship, divination, to dissolve feelings of hostility.
Magickal Number: 369
Color: Silver, pale blue, pearl white
Metal: Silver
Plants: Poppy, water lily, white rose, moonwort
Day of the Week: Monday
Stones: Emerald, cat's eye, pearl, moonstone
Zodiac Signs: Cancer
Angel: Gabriel
Influences: Navigation, ocean voyages, maritime trade, motherhood, fertility, children, the home, domestic issues, starting new ventures, enhancing psychic powers.
Magickal Number: 175
Color: Greens
Metal: Copper
Plants: Violet, wild rose, coltsfoot, love-in-the-mist
Day of the Week: Friday
Stones: Emerald, opal, jade, sapphire, lapis lazuli
Zodiac Signs: Taurus and Libra
Angel: Anael
Influences: Love, courtship, marriage, business and personal partnerships, contracts, visual arts, leisure, female sexuality, and individual income.
Magickal Number: 260
Color: Purple
Metal: Mercury or Zinc
Plants: Parsley, dill, snapdragon, iris, rosemary, cornflower, valerian
Day of the Week: Wednesday
Stones: Diamond, jade, jasper, topaz, aquamarine
Zodiac Signs: Gemini and Virgo
Angel: Raphael
Influences: Road, rail, or air travel, commerce, healing, the media, mathematics, science, industry, intelligence, eloquence, and prophesy.
Magickal Number: 65
Color: Reds
Metal: Iron
Plants: Thistle, wild rose, gorse,
Day of the Week: Tuesday
Stones: Ruby, bloodstone, garnet,
Zodiac Signs: Aries and Scorpio
Angel: Samael
Influences: Police matters, war, sports, engineering, machinery, male sexuality, surgery, physical strength, courage, protection, help in overthrowing enemies.
Magickal Number: 34
Color: Blue, lilac, mauve, amethyst
Metal: Tin
Plants: Carnation, wallflower, clovepink, sage, heliotrope, opium poppy
Day of the Week: Thursday
Stones: Sapphire, amethyst, diamond
Zodiac Signs: Sagittarius and Pisces
Angel: Sachiel
Influences: Power, legal and commercial transactions, financial speculation, acquisition of wealth, marriage, education, religion, protect travelers, foster friendships, preserve health, banish anxiety, establish sympathy.
Magickal Number: 15
Color: Black, grey, dark brown
Metal: Lead
Plants: Nightshade, snowdrop, rue, foxglove, valerian
Day of the Week: Saturday
Stones: Onyx, obsidian, jet, garnet
Zodiac Signs: Capricorn and Aquarius
Angel: Cassiel
Influences: Business, politics, property deals, agriculture, mining, archeology, building, morality, responsibility, protection from poisoning or conspiracy.