Protection & Warding Spells

A Spell to Warn Against Negativity
You will need a stone, ring, necklace....something you keep on you at all times. This spell will not protect you from evil, but instead will warn you when it is near.
Hold the item in your hand, tight! Charge it with your energy and the power of white, while chanting:
"Depressed souls, evil beings. Who live to grieve, who take all bad and rids the good, who tastes wrong. Let it be known, to know negative, when around you heat. Heat, not burn...So, the holder will be warned."
Chant this as many times as you wish. When evil and negativity is near...your object will become hot and itchy.

Protective Chant
"Earth and Sea
Keep harm from me.
Wind and Fire,
Safety is my desire."

A Protective and Purifying Spell
It can be used on you or a room. Use it while having your hands in clean water and imagine blue light entering you or the room.
"Pure of water, pure of heart.
Evil influence begin to part.
Protective shield of water rise.
All evil that enters meets it's demise
Good intentions, pure and bright,
Protect and serve me, cast your light!"

A Shield Spell
It works very well and is easy to use. It breaks curses, shields the one who cast it from harm, and stops negative magick focused on you.
"Powers of nature, come to me.
Shield me from the magick of Three.
Bring to me the elements four,
fire that burns, air that soars,
earth that rumbles to water that flows.
As I cast thee, shield, all evil goes."

To Return Evil to Its Sender
Items that you will need:
1 new glass
1 new white plate
1 long white tappered candle
The Invokation of San Migeul
Using 1 new glass and 1 new white plate, fill the glass with water to the brim and place the plate on top. Carefully turn the plate and glass so that the water remains within the glass on top of the plate and no water is spilled. Cut the white tapered candle into 9 pieces.
Beginning on a Tuesday night, light the f irst piece of candle invoking the powerful archangel to return the evil to its source. Repeat this for 9 consequtive Tuesdays.
(English Version Invokation)
"Oh glorious Saint Michael the archangel defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil, may god/goddess rebuke him we humbly pray and do thou oh prince of the heavenly host by the power of the almighty thrust into hell Satan and all his evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen"

Mirror Spell
(this is a spell to send bad vibrations back to their source).
Hand Mirror
Black Candle
Black string
Call the Spirits to witness the rite using the bell. Say: "I am immune to their hate, their malice. I will not accept their guilt or their intolerence. Their words and thoughts are no bane to me." Hold the mirror behind the candle and say: "As this mirror reflects back the light of this candle so shall these things be reflected back to their sender(s) and as the mirror neither adds or detracts from the reflection I shall add no malice to nor subract any from that which I send back. As it comes to me so shall it return to them." Tie the black string in three knots. As you tie each knot say: "With this string I bind this spell, As I will it, So mote it be." Dismiss the spirits. Let the candle and incense burn out on their own. Place the string in a special box set aside for spells and leave it there always.

To Protect From Nightmares
Fill a small pillowcase with anise seeds, dragon's blood, and lavender and place the pillowcase under your pillow when you go to sleep. Ask the Celtic Goddess, Mare (MAH-re), the bringer of dreams to only bring you nice dreams.

For Protection and Purification (Bath)
Steep a teaspoon of basil in a cup of boiling water, and strain out the herb. Add it to you bath water for a protective and cleansing influence. It is particularly useful to clean off the feelings left by contact with those who are negative or controlling.

Protection Candle Spell
Encircle a red candle with any protection herb and light the wick. Sit and gaze at the fiery power of the light that shall protect you from harm. When you are ready, you may say this, or another verse:
"For thine protection, I now pray,
Let all evil turn away.
Protect me night,
Protect me day,
And keep misfortune well at bay."

Bad Spirit Protection Spell
This is a spell to protect me/my house from bad energy from some spirit. This spell will allow them to come to me and my home but not when in a destructive mode. And that is the way it should be!
What I need: Sea Salt, simple chant.
When: Waning moon - preferably the day after the full moon and done once a month until you feel you are in the clear. But if need you can do this anytime of the month.
Time: Anytime of the day
Where: Outside your home - is a must. You don't want any bad energy inside anywhere.
"I ask Brigid to protect my home and me
As I encircle my property with the salt of the sea.
Bring harm to none
So mote it be
It is now done."
Repeat this chant as you sprinkle the sea salt in a circle around your property. Visualise a wall of protection (just like when you cast a circle) as you sprinkle the sea salt.
IMPORTANT: For those who are new to casting spells, be sure to ground yourself afterwards by simply putting your hands on the earth and draining the excess energy. Visualise the energy leaking from your palms into the ground.

Dispelling Enemies and Evil
Hang an ash-bough
Over your door,
Fill your pockets
With iron nails,
Carry always
The mullein-leaf,
But say these words
Against the worst:
"I stand
In circles
Of light
That nothing
May cross."

Home Protection
This spell is designed to keep unwanted entities/energies out of your home.It's effective lifespan will vary depending on the levels of negative energy in your home.
As with all my techniques,the only thing required is a clear mind.I suggest using the 4/2 breathing technique to accomplish this.
Summon the energy by whatever methods you normally use. Say the following while visualising energy pouring out of your hands and into the walls, floor, and ceiling. "In the name of Isis Mistress of magick and Osiris Lord of the dead,I command that noth-ing may enter here except by my will."
Check for weaknesses in the field of energy and reinforce as necessary.

Protection Candle Spell
Encircle a red candle with any protection herb and light the wick. Sit and gaze at the fiery power of the light that shall protect you from harm. When you are ready, you may say this, or another verse:
"For thine protection, I now pray,
Let all evil turn away.
Protect me night,
Protect me day,
And keep misfortune well at bay."

A Simple Spell of Protection
This simple spell effectively casts a small circle of protection about you. It can be said quickly in times of trouble to hold off evil and invoke the protection of The Goddess. It can also be used after casting the circle in a more formal ritual. If there are others with you who also need protection, simply say "us" in place of "me".
"A spell of safety here I cast,
A ward of might to hold me fast.
A shield before me and behind,
To right and left protection bind.
To me may no ill wight come nigh,
But only She who's Rede I cry.
So mote it be."

A Protection Spell
First, place the object you wish to protect in the middle of a pentagram. Meditate upon it for a while, building a circle of protective energy around it. Then chant this spell several times until you feel the object has absorbed all the energy surrounding it.
"With this pentagram I now lay
Protection here both night and day
And the one who should not touch
Let his fingers burn and twitch
I now invoke the law of 3
As I will, so shall it be."

Protection From Negative Energies
Herbal Sachet recipe and Empowering
1 tsp. dried Anise seed (any kind of Anise)
1 1/2 tsp. dried whole Cloves
petals of 1 small dried red Rose
2 tsp. dried Rosemary
6 dried Bay leaves
9 inch by 9 inch square white cotton cloth
6 inch purple cord or yarn
Mix all ingredients well, then place into the center of white cloth in a pile. Bring each corner up to the center one at a time, in a clockwise motion. when all corners are up and touching, there will be four folds sticking out. In a clockwise motion, bring the corners of these folds to the center as well. Take the purple cord or yarn and wrap it around the cloth 3 times, just above the high spot of the herbs. Tie three knots, and let the ends hang.
Empowering The Herbal Sachet:
Sit in a quiet place, preferably outdoors, and hold the sachet cupped in your hands. Close your eyes and imaging a white travelling through your arms and into the sachet. Feel safety, feel protected. See yourself standing surrounded by a white light. See it coming from the sachet. Empower the sachet once a week, and make a new sachet once a month. Continue using the sachet until you feel that you no longer need it. All the ingredients can be found at your local grocery store except for the dried rose and the cloth and cord. Find or buy a red rose and hang it upside down by the stem for 3 days in a warm, dry place to dry.

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